Safer people, safer roads, saving lives
Northland Road Safety Trust (NRST) develops priority road safety programmes and manages them through community partners and volunteer groups
throughout the Kaipara and Whangarei Districts.
Manage & Develop Programmes
We are contracted by Whangarei District and Kaipara Councils to source the best available service providers in a variety of arenas to deliver high quality programmes, and we are continually developing programmes as the need for them arises.
Allocate Funding
The Trust meets bi-monthly to oversee activities and funding. Its’ focal point rests squarely on the delivery of responsible, outcome-based, cost-effective, education-based programmes which include strong community local-share involvement.
Offering Wide Range Of Roading Experiences
The NRST is governed by a voluntary trust board, all people with many years’ experience in the road & roading industry/ safety/ police/ driving instructors/ truck company owners – all with a wide range of experiences to offer.
NZTA & Council funded
A key dimension of NRST operations over the years has been the relationships, partnerships, and networks we’ve built with providers, community groups, Councils, Northland Transport Alliance (NTA), the Police, associated agencies, the media and the wider public.
We are here to help make our roads safer places for everyone.
We assess high risk roads and identify road safety risks, and allocate funding to address these issues accordingly.
Impaired driving is our current major priority, and we are engaged in providing education and rehabilitation around the dangers and risks associated with driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
We also run a variety of Road Safety initiatives including fatigue (rest) stops, young driver awareness, child restraints, and more.